Name S R Balasubramanian
Designation Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest Optical Communication OFDM
Room No. 14-203
Intercom No. 228
Mobile 9940144642
Email Id (Official)
Email Id (Personal)

Pursuing Ph.D (Information & Communication Engg.,)
M.Tech (Laser & Electro-Optical Engg.)
AMIE (Electronics)
Diploma in Electronics & comm., Engg

Academic Experience

Aug 1988 – March 1995 ( Foreman & Instructor)
April 1995 – March 2000 – Lecturer
April 2000 – June 2005 – Senior Lecturer
July 2006 – till date – Assistant Professor

Courses Handled

Electric Circuits & Electronic Devices
Subjects Taught for UG:
Basic Electronics Engineering
Electron Devices
Communication Engg Instrumentation Electronics Circuits
Signals and Systems
Television Engg
Circuit theory
Optical Communication
Linear integrated circuits
Subjects Taught for PG:
Optical Communication
Optical Networks
Modern Digital Communication
Electronics Circuits II

Research & Consultancy
Conference / Workshop / FDP
Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities

Assistant Transport Convener, NPTEL Coordinator


Best Teacher Award Received in the year of 2001

motorchip aiflasksideasketch website toygearbiotechnologydata-complexitypromotioncomputersoftwareweb-design idea-1 creativitymicroscopechemistrymodelassemblyplay-outlined-circular-buttonpausecreative open-bookteamwork-team gaugegoallaboratory mathematicsatommechanicmicroscope-1 factory sketch-1 charitysystempistonscruise envelopefacebook-placeholder-for-locate-places-on-mapssmartphone-callold-typical-phoneuserantennacoding computers-network-interface-symbolsearchgoodwillplay-buttonpause-1 tickleft-arrow