- Notification-V Reschedule of 24OS theory examination
- Notification - IV for rearranging the seating plan of the theory Examinations, scheduled on 03rd January, 2025
- Notification for ODD Semester (2024 - 2025) UG - COE
- Notification for ODD Semester (2021 - 2022) UG R18 - COE
- Notification for May-22 Theory Examination Schedule - COE
- DECEMBER - 2024 - End Semester Examination Schedule - PHASE II
- 2024-2025 ODD semester Summative examinations Schedule - phase 1
- Reschedule of 21st March, 2023 - Examinations - COE
- Notification for December-22 Theory Examination Schedule - COE
- Notification for December-22 Phase III Theory Examination Schedule - COE