Invitation for Voluntary Blood Donation Camp – Phase-II on 15.03.2025

Warm Greetings!

The YRC, Rotaract Club, NSS, and RRC of SVCE cordially invite you to participate in the one-day Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on 15th March 2025 from 9:00 AM to 2:45 PM at Function Hall and Video Hall, SVCE.

We look forward to your support and participation in this noble cause.

Registration link for Blood donation :

Click here to view the Brochure: 

Inviting Nominations for Distinguished Alumni Award (2024-25).

Dear Alumni Community,

We are excited to announce the call for nominations for the SVCE Distinguished Alumni Award. This prestigious award aims to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements and contributions of our alumni to their professions, communities, and society at large.

To nominate a deserving candidate, please submit the information through the application attached.

Please send your nominations to on or before 21.03.2025.

The selection committee will carefully review all nominations and select the recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Award. The award will be presented on College Day to be held on 04.04.2025.

Thank you for your participation in recognizing the remarkable accomplishments of our alumni community.


Click Here to Download the Application Form.(PDF)

Click Here to Download the Application Form.(DOCX)

AICTE feedback – Web portal link for Students and Faculty

As per the AICTE’s directions, the web portal link for the Students and Faculty feedback is made available through the college website.

Click here to open the Feedback web portal

MATLAB and Simulink – Campus-wide license – Installation procedure

We are pleased to announce that Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering has successfully renewed the campus-wide license for MATLAB and Simulink, including all add-on products. This renewal ensures that the academic community of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering has full access to these powerful tools for instruction, research, and personal projects.

MATLAB and Simulink -Campus-wide license – installation. Click here to view further details

Important: To maintain uninterrupted access to MATLAB and Simulink, individuals currently using MATLAB Campus License must update their license information.

Please follow the instructions below:
1. Ensure that your computer is connected to the internet.
2. Launch MATLAB.
3. If you encounter a license expiration error, please close MATLAB and then reopen it.
4. You may be prompted to sign in with your MathWorks account.

Should the users continue to experience problems, feel free to contact MathWorks Support at this Link:
Click here to view the Contact Support

Hindu Tamizh article published 28/12/2024 – AICTE sponsored ATAL FDP

An article has been published in Hindu Tamizh dated 28/12/24 showcasing AICTE sponsored ATAL FDP on “Advanced Semiconductor Devices and AI Chips – Research Opportunities and Challenges” organized by SVCE.

Click here to view the News Article

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