
The department has well-equipped specific laboratories for Electrical Machines, Controls and Instrumentation, Power Systems,Power Electronics and Drives , Basic Electrical Engineering, Electron Devices and Circuits, Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits.The department has its own computer facilities for all programming needs of B.E. students and the students pursuing the Master's programme and Research.

Subjects and Laboratories

Some of the subjects handled by the department are :
Electronic Devices and Circuits Digital Electronics
Microprocessors Computer Organization
Computer Programming Control Systems
Electromagnetic Theory Protection and Switch gear
Linear integrated circuits Professional ethics and Human values
Power system operation and control Design of electrical apparatus
Bio medical instrumentation Advanced control system
Total quality management Electrical machines and drives
Measurement and instrumentation Communication Engineering
Flexible AC transmission Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
Solid state DC Drives Electrical Circuits
Power Electronics Electrical Machines
Power Systems High Voltage Engineering
Digital signal processing Transmission and distribution
Solid state drives Microprocessor and microcontroller
Power system analysis Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines
Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices Analysis of power converters
Analysis of inverters Linear and non linear system theory
Advanced microprocessors and microcontroller design Solid state AC Drives
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Electric Vechicle
As a part of the requirement of the Anna University, during the final semester, students take up projects in the areas of their interest.With the facilities available with the laboratories, industry specific projects are also carried out.
The department has well equipped laboratories viz. :
Electrical Machines Laboratory
A C Machines Laboratory
Engineering Practice Laboratory
Power Electronics and Microprocessor Laboratory
Software Laboratory
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory
Linear IC and Digital Electronics Laboratory
Measurements and Instrumentation Laboratory
Students of this branch are exposed to practical training in the following areas :
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Electrical Machines
Microprocessors and Applications
Control systems
Linear Integrated Circuits
Power Electronics
Analog and Digital Electronics
Simulation and Testing
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