
2019 - 2020

  • Mr. S. K. Aviarasu, 2nd year Civil Engineering student has won the BRONZE medal in Sports conducted by Tamilnadu WUSHU association at Sri Dharmchand Jain school Vandavasi Villupuram from 17 Aug 2019 to 18 Aug 2019.
  • 2018 - 2019

    Students Achievements in Sports

    YearCategory-Participation/Winner/Runner/Award/MedalLevel of the TournamentName of the student
    2018-19Volleyball-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentMohamed Ashraf I
    2018-19VCricket-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentVenkat Sujith
    Vetri Maran
    2018-19Basketball-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournament Pranesh Kumar R
    Sakithyan K
    2018-19VBasketball-ThirdSVCE Rolling Trophy Pranesh Kumar
    R Sakithyan K
    2018-19Basketball-ThirdSA Trophy Pranesh Kumar
    R Sakithyan K
    2018-19Football-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentVarun D
    Ughi Shipram R
    2018-19Football-RunnersSVCE Rolling TrophyVarun D
    Ughi Shipram R
    2018-19Handball-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentRam Pramoth K
    2018-19Ball Badminton- ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentKishore Kumar B N
    2018-19Hockey-Third PositionAnna university Zone II tournamentGokul Raj B
    Arun Raja P
    Jothi Prabakaran M
    2018-19200 m-Ist positionAnna university Zone II tournamentSree Swathi J
    2017-18Tennis-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentPenna Dheeren
    2017-18TBasketball-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentPranesh Kumar R
    2017-18Basketball-WinnersSVCE Rolling TrophyPranesh Kumar R
    2017-18Basketball- ParticipationSastra Tournament and Revels cup,ManipalPranesh Kumar R
    2017-18Football-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentVarun D
    Ughi Shipram R
    2017-18Football-WinnersSVCE Rolling TrophyVarun D
    Ughi Shipram R
    2017-18Ball BadmintonAnna university Zone II tournamentYuva Sangeevii
    2017-18Handball-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentRam Pramoth K
    2017-18Cricket-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentVenkat Sujith J
    2017-18Cricket-RunnersDr.A.C.Muthiah Rolling TrophyVenkat Sujith J
    2017-18Cricket-ParticipationREVELS Cup,ManipalVenkat Sujith J
    2017-18200 m-IInd positionAnna university Zone II tournamentSree Swathi J
    2017-18Hockey-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentGokul Raj B
    Arun Raja P
    Jothi Prabakaran M
    2017-18Ball BadmintonAnna university Zone II tournamentYuva Sangeevii
    2017-18Ball BadmintonAnna university Zone II tournamentYuva Sangeevii
    2017-18Ball BadmintonAnna university Zone II tournamentYuva Sangeevii
    2017-18Ball BadmintonAnna university Zone II tournamentYuva Sangeevii
    2016-17Handball-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentHarinarayan P M, Kishore Kumar BN
    2016-17Tennis-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentPenna Dheeren
    2016-17Athletics-ParticipationAnna university Zone II tournamentArun Raj E
    2016-17100 m-IInd position
    Triple jump-Ist Position
    Anna university Zone II tournamentSree Swathi J
    2016-17Hockey-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentGokul Raj B
    2016-17Basketball-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentRavi Shankar.J
    Pranesh Kumar R
    2016-17Basketball-RunnersSVCE Rolling TrophyRavi Shankar.J
    Pranesh Kumar R
    2016-17Basketball-RunnersAnna university Zone II tournamentSwathy A
    2016-17Basketball-WinnersSVCE Rolling TrophySwathy A
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