Office Bearers of Association of Chemical Technologists for the academic year 2023 - 2024 are as follows:
Co-ordinators: Mr. S. Jai Ganesh / Asst.Prof./CHE
Name of the postStudent NameYear of Study
PresidentMr. Kishore Arvind RIV Year A Section
Vice PresidentMr. Mukundan MIII Year B Section
SecretaryMr. Vignesh VKIV Year B Section
SecretaryMs. CharulathaIV Year A Section
Joint SecretaryMr. Ramapriyan AIII Year B Section
TreasurerMs. Abinaya JII Year
Office Bearers of Association of Chemical Technologists for the academic year 2022 - 2023 are as follows:
Co-ordinators: Dr. M. Srividhya/Asst.Prof./ CHE and Mr. S. Jai Ganesh / Asst.Prof./CHE
Name of the postStudent NameYear of Study
PresidentMr. Shreeyas M SIV Year B Section
Vice PresidentMs. CharulathaIII Year A Section
SecretaryMs.SowndaryaIV Year B Section
Joint SecretaryMs.ShrimaIII Year A Section
TreasurerMr. VarunIII Year B Section
Office Bearers of Association of Chemical Technologists (2022 - 2023)
Co-ordinators: Dr. M. Srividhya/Asst.Prof./CHE and Mr. S. Jai Ganesh/ Asst.Prof./CHE
Name of the postStudent NameYear of Study
PresidentMr. Shreeyas M SIV Year B Section
Vice PresidentMs. CharulathaIII Year A Section
SecretaryMs.SowndaryaIV Year B Section
Joint SecretaryMs.ShrimaIII Year A Section
TreasurerMr. Varun III Year B Section
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