About the IETE

Established in 1953, the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is one of India’s leading professional societies dedicated to advancing innovation and knowledge in Electronics, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology. Over the years, IETE has become a beacon for aspiring engineers and technologists, promoting excellence and professional growth.

What Does IETE-SF Offer?

The IETE Students Forum (ISF) plays a pivotal role in nurturing young talent. With 550+ active ISFs across India and a 60,000+ student member base, ISF fosters technical brilliance and encourages holistic development.

● Accessible Engineering Education

● Focus on Research and Publication

● Diverse Programs and Events

● Alumni Engagement

Events and Initiatives at SVCE

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), a proud lifetime member of IETE, boasts a vibrant ISF community. At SVCE, we organize a range of engaging events to inspire and

challenge students, including:

● Enigma: A cryptography challenge crafted exclusively for first-year students, promoting analytical thinking and problem-solving.

● UPAGRAHA: A prestigious national-level technical symposium featuring paper presentations, project expos, and technical contests.

● Makeathon: A creative marathon encouraging students to design and build innovative projects.

● Track Bot and Maze Bot: Robotics competitions that test technical ingenuity and programming skills.

● Guest Lectures: Insightful sessions on emerging trends and core topics in electronics and communication engineering.

Objectives of ISF:

1. Enhancing Engineering Education

2. Guiding Students on Emerging Opportunities

3. Promoting Extracurricular Learning

4. Expanding Membership

Join us in shaping the future of technology! Whether it’s through innovative competitions, cutting-edge research, or collaborative projects, IETE-SF at SVCE is your gateway to excellence.

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