ECO Events

2023 - 2024
ECO Banner - Oct 2023

On 16th October 2023, an Eco Banner was prepared by CARE Eco Club as a sustainability partner of ChandraayanUtsav which was organised by Science Club of SVCE in association with Student Council SVCE.Eco banner is PVC - free and recyclable and leads to a sustainable environment, It was made from Cloth and involved a team of 8 students led by Nivashini from 4th yr BT.

Beach Cleanup - Oct 2023

CARE - Eco Club of SVCE representing SVCE with 111 students took part in Chennai Plogathon which was a beach cleanup event organised by Lions International, District 324k, Chennai on October 15th, 2023. Around 1000 volunteers participated in the event from across the city. The event was successfully led by Rahul MC from 3rd yr - IT representing CARE.


2022 - 2023
HIGHWAYS 23' - May 2023

Office bearers and volunteers together organized events like Cook with ComailTreasure Hunt, Balloon Race for Highways 23 along with student council SVCE.

Seminar on BIOMIMICRY - May 2023

A Seminar on "INTRODUCTION TO BIOMIMICRY" was organized on 8th of May at SVCE with CARE - Eco Club SVCE. Dr. T Murugavel, the speaker for the day, gave a brief Introduction about the field, its history, current technologies and its scope in a sustainable future!

A biomimicry community was started under CARE, with interested students, to ideate, discuss, research and innovate with Nature.

Glimpses of Biodiversity at SVCE - April 2023

Insects in the SVCE campus were identified and painted in slab tiles to be displayed around the college to create awareness among students about how beautiful and diverse nature is and how important it is to conserve it.

Native Tree Planting - April 2023

CARE - The Eco Club of SVCE conducted a native tree planting program at SVCE for a sustainable environment. Students of SVCE planted Native Species of Trees in the campus of SVCE on 5th April, 2023 and pledged to nurture and protect them for their time in college.

Art Expo - Feb 2023

Art Exhibition Conducted by ECO Club Students of SVCE @care_svce

Art expo has not only provided a space for artists to display their works, but it has also allowed art enthusiasts and the general students to appreciate and engage with art in a meaningful way. By curating the exhibition with care and attention to detail, Eco Club (care club of SVCE) have created an immersive and inspiring experience for all who attended.

Campaign against elephant cruelty - Feb 2023

CARE -Eco Club of SVCE conducted a Signature Campaign against the cruelty on elephants, and in specific displayed an art painted by an elephant and sensitized the students about the cruelty behind training them to do so.

Green Diwali - Nov 2022

Students at SVCE pledged to have a Green diwali by placing their handprints on a cloth. Awareness was given and many people came forward to taking the pledge with us. A green Safe diwali for all life on earth.

Student Induction Program - Nov 2022

Freshers were given an introduction about the club and why CARE is important. Multiple sessions took place and interested students were asked to join CARE for working together.

Calibrations'22 - Nov 2022

CARE - Eco Club of SVCE is glad to announce that Eco Hunt is a hit event for the calibrations this year too! We got a tremendous response from the freshers.

Green O graphy - Oct 2022

On the occasion of National Wildlife Week 2022 CARE - Eco Club of SVCE would like to bring to you The Green O graphy. Students were asked to click a photo of the flora and fauna and identify the species. A competition with 100+ entries from students of all years and the winners were announced in the CARE social media page.

Inauguration 22 - Sep 2022

The office bearers of the year 2022-23 came together along with the previous year's OBs and our chief guest Mr.G.Sundarrajan to inaugurate CARE 22-23. It was a beautiful occasion and a great speech by Dr.T.Murugavel and Mr.G.Sundarrajan from PoovulaginNanbargal.


2021 - 2022
Seminar on Lake water and Waste management - Aug 2022

Mr. Amalan, one of the prominent alumni of SVCE conducted a seminar on " Properties of lake water, solid and water waste management" on 12th of August. The students were invited to put forth their views on the topic and it's implementation in and around the college campus. The session was interesting, interactive and amazing.

Workshop on Gender Sensitization - March 2022

Human beings are social animals. To build a strong society, the man and woman both have to complement each other. Both have some strengths and weaknesses and to understand the same, Gender Sensitisation comes into the picture. This sensitivity to understanding the qualities or weaknesses of other gender and to respecting them brings the best out of a person to build a strong society, workplace and nation. The Student Council and the Care Eco Club SVCE organized a four-day workshop on Gender Sensitization by Dr T Murugavel, Professor and Head of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, SVCE.

ENDANGERED WILDLIFE Planting - March 2022

On the occasion of Wildlife Day on 03.03.2021, 20 members of CARE along with @project_emai planted "ENDANGERED WILDLIFE PLANTS" within the campus and are going to nurture them till they become big. Kudos to the students who have come forward for such a great initiative.

Care freshers meet up '22 - Feb 2022

The New members of CARE gathered together to get to know more about the club. The event was graced by Mr.NityanandJayaram, a writer,a social activist and a faculty of Asian School of Journalism. He gave a thoughtful speech on nature and sustainability which enlightened our minds. Followed by an interactive session with the students where we discussed the future aspects of the club.

Nostraw campaign - Dec 2021

The campaign was conducted on 29.12.2021 to create an awareness among students about how the plastic straws we daily use has a huge impact on the ocean ecosystem and wildlife. Many students dropped their straws in the bins placed exclusively for them

LOWSOOT - CARE Collaboration - Dec 2021

CARE - Eco club of SVCE is happy to announce that we are going to associate with a start-up known as Lowsoot for the year 2021-23 for all the future events and endeavors and make the earth a better place to live in.

Many online webinars and events were conducted by innovative people and environmental enthusiasts around the world. Our students got to attend them, connect and learn thanks to LOWSOOT.

Calibrations - Dec 2021

The tradition continues! As always care is always more than a club. Calibs21 was made memorable for all the students and the club members as events were conducted to welcome Freshers into the college.

Eco Hunt - CALIBS21 -Dec 2021

A hit event founded by our seniors @daya.527 @shanu_yalz.2603 @alkey51 @vineeeethaa @suhasini04 @appuswathii is continuing to be a hit among the freshers who actively participated in the event conducted during calibs every year. We get about 200+ registrations every year. The students would participate in a hunt where in the process they'll clean up the campus by picking up the waste and doing an art out of it.

Online Events - Nov 2021

Events like JAM (Just a Minute) and BINGO were conducted for the students of SVCE as a way to spend the student's Lockdown time effectively and to motivate them to come together.

Induction of Office Bearers - 2021

Induction of the office bearers for the year 2021 - 2022 was organized on 03 September 2021 at 06.00. p.m. Mr Ramesh Rajesh Manager-Business and project development Manager-Development, AmeaPower,Dubai, United Arab Emirates., was the Chief Guest. In his Inaugural Address he stressed the role of Engineers in creating a sustainable world and suggested ways they could improve their skills and make a difference. He also said that he would institute a reward for a project on sustainability. Dr. Murugavel, the Faculty Advisor, welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest. Mr.Beryl Jason, the President of the Club coordinated the event and Ms Vishnu Priya thanked all for their participation and support.


Planting Indian caper (Oroxylum indicum) - 2021

50 saplings of Indian caper (Oroxylum indicum) were planted at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Campus on Jul 27, 2021. This was done in association with EMAI (Trust for Environment Monitoring and Action Initiating and Lions Club of Chennai Coastal. This planting was part of EMAI PIT (Plant Indigenous Trees) Project. This tree species is now a rarity due to habitat loss and other anthropogenic activities. Oroxylum indicum is a well-known medicinal tree in Asia, belongs to family Bignoniaceae, commonly known as a’Shivnak, Shyonak, Sonpatha or midnight horror, possesses economic as well as medicinal importance. The tree was distributed throughout the great parts of India but now it is listed amongst endangered species in many areas in the country. Many medicinal plants are also in trouble from over harvesting and destruction of habitat. Population growth, urbanization and the unrestricted collection of medicinal plants from the wild is resulting in an overexploitation of natural resources. Hence, at the Club has planted to propogate this species as there is an urgent need for its conservation is required.’ Zahoor et. al. 2012


Zahoor Ahmad Najar and Santosh Agnihotri (2012) Need and Importance of Conservation of Endangered Tree Oroxylum indicum (Linn.) Vent. Pelagia Research Library Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 2012, 2 (3):220-223

Project - Environment - Tree Sapling Planting - 2021

CARE - the Eco club partnered with Lions District 324 A5 - Sapphire Region's Clubs and planted planted 2000 Tree saplings in (Sothuperumbedu 500saplings), Tirunillai (1000 saplings), Mulaivoyil (500 saplings). All the saplings were provided by the Eco Club of SVCE.

Planting Indigenous Trees - 2021

In order to contribute to global reforestation efforts, restoring and repairing indigenous ecosystem and mitigating climate changes, the members of CARE Club of SVCE organized a tree Indigenous Tree Plantating event on January 4, 2021. The program encouraged the members of faculty and staff to get involved in the initiative. The saplings were donated by the Trust for Environment Monitoring and Action Initiating.

Wildemic 2020

To commemorate Wildlife Week, CARE, in association with SAP (Swatchatha Action Plan), conducted wildlife-themed online events in October 2020. The events included Art - Drawing and painting, Article writing, Digital Art. The motive of the event is to create awareness among students on conserving and protecting the existing wildlife and supportive ecosystem to prevent extinction. Students from several departments participated in it. Ms Sadhana Narayanan, IV ECE, won the First prize for Article Writing. Ms Indumathi, won the First prize for Drawing/Painting and Mr Yugendiran, won the First prize for Digital Art.

World Earth Day - 2020

To Celebrate the World Earth Day CARE conducted, in association with SAP (Swatchatha Action Plan), Essay writing and poster designing Completions on the theme “Say No to Plastics” The following were the Prize winners Essay Competition Jaswaanthii P - IV year CS A I prize Meer Thahir A A I year Mech II prize. poster competition Srilaya I year EEE B I prize Raviram R I year Mech B II prize.

Tackling Ocean Pollution - 2020

To commemorate the National Pollution Control Day, CARE club of SVCE along with Swachata Action Plan (SAP) of SVCE organised an online talk on ‘Tackling Ocean Pollution’ on 5th December 2020. The talk was given by Dr.Shriju Kurup, Senior Program Coordinator, CEE. The interactive session involved more than 100 students from various departments. All the participants were awarded certificates for their participation.

Art Expo 2020

CARE organized an Art Expo 2020 as a means to sensitize students and members of faculty on nature conservation. Students exhibited their arts on landscape, flora and fauna. It was a two day long exhibition (17 and 18 February 2020) and around 400 students visited the expo.

Native tree sapling plantation usingMiyawaki technique 2020

Native tree sapling plantation usingMiyawaki technique 2020
100 native tree saplings were planted at the college Campus plantation usingMiyawaki technique on 18 February 2020.

CARE's 2019 - 2020 Inauguration

CARE's 2019 - 2020 projects were inaugurated by Mr Wollard Wally Browne, a Raptor Specialist from UK, on 7 March 2019.
Inaugurating the Project activities of the CARE for the year 2019 - 2020 Mr Browne appreciated the initiatives taken by the volunteers in making the Campus a 'Plastic free and the carbon neutral Zone . He said engineers play a major role in conservation and protection of the habitats as more and more technology are now in applied to find solutions for conservation issues and also to reach the sustainability goals of the UN. Initially Dr T Murugavel welcomed and introduced the guest and traced the history of the Club and elaborated on how its members have used their expertise and submitted projects to international competitions and won awards.

Report on Induction of Volunteers to CARE 2018

CARE-the Eco Club’s Induction Program for the year 2017 - 2018 was organisedon July 24, 2017 in the function Hall at 2.30 pm. Er. G Sunderaj, Poovulagin Nambargal was the Chief Guest and he had an interactice session with the students on the topic ‘ Engineers Role in Sustaible Development.Dr Muthucumarasamy, Dean Research, introduced the Chief guest and presented a memento.
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Beach cleanup - 2015

Beach Clean-up 2014: The Beach Cleaning Activity was decided to provide an opportunity to the members of CARE, so that they could realize the importance of a clean and healthy environment. The Volunteers cleaned the Adyar Beach, particularlyin and around the Estuary as the trash from the city reaches the estuary and gets distributed along the shore. The Cleanup has grown immensely in the last few years and it has been a regular event.More than 50 volunteers participate in a Cleanup event.
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Sea Turtle Conservation 2014

Conservation of Sea Turtles Volunteers of the Eco Club, joined hands with the Students Sea Turtle Conservation Networks (SSTCN) and participated regularly in Turtle Walks and collected the turtle eggs during the nesting season last year. This has been a regular feature of the Club.

Save our Sparrows 2014

For the past few years Members of CARE have been studying the sparrow population in the City. It was found that Sparrow populations are found in North Madras, Triplicane and in several places in OMR. The member fixed Sparrow Nest Boxes in the houses nearby where there were sparrows nesting.
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Junk Art2013 - 2014

CARE volunteers created art, souvenirs and other creative items from the junk collected from the campus. They made a jungle walk through using the materials. And also conducted a workshop on ‘Art from Junk -a way to go’

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