About SVCE

SVCE is a unit of Sri Venkateswara Educational and Health Trust (SVEHT). The Trust was founded on 1 August 1985 at the behest and benign blessings of His Holiness Pujashree Kanchi Kamakoti Peedathipathi Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal. Dr. A. C. Muthiah, a renowned engineer, industrialist and philanthropist, is the Chairman of the Governing Council of the college. The college is in a 95 acre lush green Campus. It is housed in architecturally exquisite buildings with ample infrastructure such as classrooms, laboratories, libraries, sports arena, canteen, hostels, dispensary, bank etc.,


To establish a motivational framework through provision of necessary resources that will actively support our people in core activities of learning, education, research and innovation.

To advance the competency of our people to comprehend the requirements of the society and fulfil them, through honing of their skills and virtues.

To leverage the institutional experiential learning to offer solutions for engineering and technological challenges faced by society at national and global levels.

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To gain acclaim as an institution of eminence at the national and global levels, propelled by the achievements of our people nurtured by resources and support.

Chairman of Top Engineering College
Message from chairman

Perhaps, you may be our prospective student, parent of a student, educationist, researcher or a citizen of the world. I hope that this site will provide all the College information that you are looking for.Well, the College started with a humble beginning, thirty-two years ago, with just three undergraduate programmes and has gradually grown up into a mammoth institution with ten undergraduate programmes, ten postgraduate programmes and eleven research programmes. The members of the faculty and the facilities in the College are superb.

The Vision of the College is to develop the institution into a “CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE” by offering quality engineering education and research.
In our College, students not only earn their degrees in various disciplines but also learn to acquire total personality, emphasize ethical values and prepare themselves to meet the growing challenges of the industry and diverse societal needs of our nation.

Dr. A. C. Muthiah, Chairman, Governing Council, SVCE

Quality policy

Educational Organizations Management System

To strive for eminence by engaging in high-quality of instruction, education, research, and innovation in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology by nurturing a motivating framework to equip learners and staff to effectively solve industrial, Societal, and environmental challenges, at national and global levels including compliance with the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW)

Achieved by

  • Academic Objectives – To achieve academic excellence
  • Research Objective – To hone innovation
  • Professional Objective – To groom professionalism
  • Industry Objective – To enable industry connect
  • Educational Objective – To ensure the purpose of existence


Highest quantitative figure of merit laid out by the Affiliating, Accrediting, Assessing and Ranking authorities


Mapping of the objectives at Course, Program, and Educational levels with that of highest level expected through the Outcome Based Education


Meeting the requirements of the society in line with the guidelines and framework of selected Sustainable Development Goals.


Conformance with the changing educational standards and scenarios in line with the educational policy of the government.


Conducting periodic management reviews to assess the attainments and to take a firm stand on the approach to reach the goals.

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