Academic Calendar

EVEN SEMESTER (2024 - 2025)
Academic schedule for IV, VI and VIII SEM UG and IV SEM PG - 2024-2025 Even semester - REV 01
Academic schedule for II SEM UG and II SEM PG - 2024-2025 Even semester - REV 00

ODD SEMESTER (2024 - 2025)
Academic Schedule of 2024-2025 ODD semester -I SEM UG and I SEM PG - 2024-2025 Odd semester
UG-III, V & VII Semester and PG-III Semester

Academic Calendar Archive Details:

motorchip aiflasksideasketch website toygearbiotechnologydata-complexitypromotioncomputersoftwareweb-design idea-1 creativitymicroscopechemistrymodelassemblyplay-outlined-circular-buttonpausecreative open-bookteamwork-team gaugegoallaboratory mathematicsatommechanicmicroscope-1 factory sketch-1 charitysystempistonscruise envelopefacebook-placeholder-for-locate-places-on-mapssmartphone-callold-typical-phoneuserantennacoding computers-network-interface-symbolsearchgoodwillplay-buttonpause-1 tickleft-arrow